所属行业: 医药
国家/地区 : 中国
举办城市: 浙江省义乌市
展馆名称: 义乌国际博览中心
举办时间: 2019/04/01~2019/04/03
南阳宛草堂药业-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store参加义乌美博会大健康产业,展会时间2019年4月1-3号,展会地点:义乌国际博中心。 Nanyang Wancaotang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. participated in the Great Health Industry of Yiwu Meibo Fair. The exhibition time was April 1-3, 2019. The exhibition venue was: Yiwu International Bo Center. 我司是一家集艾草种植、加工、生产、销售、外贸出口为一体的综合性现代化公司,届时将携带***艾草,艾条,艾柱,艾绒等艾产品参展,我司展位号E-E09,欢迎各位行业朋友前来参观洽谈! Our company is a comprehensive modernization company integrating wormwood planting, processing, production, sales and export. It will carry the latest wormwood, Ai, Aizhu, Ai Rong and other Ai products. Our booth number E -E09, welcome friends from all walks of life to visit and negotiate!