展商推荐/永丰县鸿遍天生物科技入驻义乌美博会大健康区 |
所属行业: 医药
国家/地区 : 中国
举办城市: 浙江省义乌市
展馆名称: 义乌国际博览中心
举办时间: 2019/4/1~2019/4/3
2019年中国义乌美博会大健康产业4月1-3号在义乌国际博览中心举办,永丰县鸿遍天生物科技-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store参加本次博览会,我司展位号E-E07。 本公司致力于研发新型外用产品及传统等相关健康产品,公司拥有膏剂、贴剂、外用喷剂、消毒产品等多个系列共几十个品种。并与全国各地区代理商建立了良好的长期合作伙伴关系。并热忱欢迎各药界领导及客户前来洽谈参观、指导。 In 2019, China Yiwu Meibo Great Health Industry was held in Yiwu International Expo Center on April 1-3. Yongfeng County Hongdutian Biotechnology Co., Ltd. participated in this expo. Our booth number is E-E07. &﹟160;&﹟160;&﹟160;&﹟160; The company is committed to research and development of new external products and traditional health products. The company has dozens of varieties of pastes, patches, external sprays, disinfection products and so on. And established a good long-term partnership with agents in various regions of the country. We warmly welcome leaders and customers from various pharmaceutical circles to come to negotiate and guide.