所属行业: 电子
国家/地区 : 中国
举办城市: 深圳
展馆名称: 深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)
举办时间: 2021/10/28~2021/10/30
2021年慕尼黑华南电子展 electronica South China
慕展将electronica品牌带至深圳,依托慕展二十年来深耕中国电子行业及成功举办的经验与口碑,在华南地区首次开创新品牌展——慕尼黑华南电子展(electronica South China)。展会立足粤
electronica South China is held in Shenzhen for the first time. With 20 years of experience, success and influence in the Chinese electronics industry, the electronica &
productronica exhibition series (Muzhan) has started a new brand in South China for the first time - electronica South China. Mainly targeted at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao
Greater Bay Area, the show serves markets in Southwest and Southeast Asia, in addition to South China. It focuses on important electronic technologies and applications such as
5G, Internet of Things, Bluetooth, automobile electronics, industrial electronics, wearables, consumer electronics, and smart home appliances.
The show is held along with the South China Circuit board International Trade and Procurement Fair, VisionChina (Shenzhen), productronica South China, and South China Advanced
Laser Technology and Application Exhibition. From R&D to manufacturing and application, the show demonstrates the cutting-edge technologies developed in the entire electronics
industry chain, and promotes industry innovation and upgrading. The exhibition halls are divided into theme areas: semiconductor, sensor, power supply, test and measurement,
passive components, PCB and connector & switch, etc. The exhibitors and visitors showed great enthusiasm and confidence in the electronics industry, reflecting how active the
industry is in South China.
展品范围 Product Categories 半导体 电机/系统外围设备(连接器、继电器、开关、SS显示键盘和壳体技术等) 嵌入式系统 微纳米系统(MEMS等) 电源 传感器技术 PCB、其他电路载体及EMS 测试与测量 组件及子系统 电子设计(ED/EDA) 汽车电子及测试 无源元件(电容、电阻、无线技术 电感等) 信息采集及服务
Semiconductors Embedded systems Displays Micronano systems (MEMS) Sensor technology Test and measurement Electronic Design (ED/EDA) Passive components Electromechanics/system peripherals (connectors, relays, switches, keyboards and casing technology) Power supplies PCBs, other circuit carriers and EMS Assemblies and subsystems Automotive Wireless Information gathering and services
华南先进激光及加工应用技术展览会 South China Advanced Laser Technology and Application Exhibition 以多技术学科交叉融合为特征的激光智能制造技术,正在成为关键技术和核心产业之一。随着粤港澳大湾区的确立,以及***、***关于支持深圳建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区的意见发布,
中国光学学会激光加工专业委员会和慕尼黑展览(上海)-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store共同主办的华南先进激光及加工应用技术展览会为LEAP Expo下辖展会,以先进光源、精密激光、加工服务、智能制造为切入点,呈现激
Shenzhen Action Plan, Shenzhen has started "upgrading the intelligence level to develop an advanced manufacturing industry" through the promotion of intelligent, green and
high-end manufacturing technologies. South China, with its strong economy and modern manufacturing technology, is an important base for China's automotive industry, ship
building, electronic 联系方式:广州北上广展览服务-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 地址:广州市天河区珠村东横四路1号之1豪汇商务中心B468室 联系人:陈飞先生 136 1148 8425 电话:020-82316583 E-mail:chenfei(at) *域名隐藏*