所属行业: 百货
国家/地区 : 中国
举办城市: 福建
展馆名称: 厦门国际会展中心
举办时间: 2021/05/27~2021/05/29
2021年厦门美博会/2021福建厦门美博会 XiaMeng美博会 CHINA-中国十大美博会 其中之一 预定大展----186----1606---6636兼--wx 厦门美博会涵盖专业美容、日化、医学美容整形、台湾、国际组团、香港展团和专业美甲美睫纹绣五大领域,展览面积35000*方米,标准展位1500余个汇聚近1000家国际国内参展商,济南美博会是您寻找经销商、代理商、加盟连锁、合作伙伴、展示风采、向美业专家学*的有效的信息*台。
The fair covers five major areas including professional beauty, daily chemical, medical cosmetic and plastic surgery, Taiwan, international group, Hong Kong exhibition and professional nail art and ciliary tattoo. The exhibition covers an area of 40,000 square meters and more than 1,500 standard booths. With nearly 1000 international and domestic exhibitors, the fair is an effective information platform for you to find distributors, agents, franchisees, partners, show talents and learn from American experts. 展览范围: Scope of exhibition: 1、日化线:日用化妆品、洗涤及个人护理用品、彩妆、香水、婴幼儿护肤品、口腔护理用品; 1. Daily chemical line: daily cosmetics, washing and personal care products, cosmetics, perfumes, baby skin care products, oral care products; 2.、专业线:美容院护肤品、美体产品及仪器、健康养生、香薰、原料、oem\odm等供应链产品; 2. Professional line: beauty salon skin care products, body beauty products and instruments, health maintenance, aroma, raw materials, OEM \odm and other supply chain products; 3、美发产品类:电吹风、电夹板、美发工具、专业护发产品及烫染用品,设备及美发师护理用具、假发等 3. Hair products: hair dryer, splint, hair tools, professional hair care products and dyeing supplies, equipment and hairdressers care equipment, wigs, etc 4、三美:美甲产品/器材、纹绣产品/器材、美睫产品/器材、连锁美甲店 4. Sanmei: nail products/equipment, tattoo products/equipment, eyelash products/equipment, chain nail shops 5.、医学美容:设备、仪器、技术、机构、生物基因美容产品; 5. Medical cosmetology: equipment, instruments, technology, institutions, biological gene beauty products; 6、养生保健类:产品、技术及设备、艾灸、酵素、经络魔罐、悬灸养生、熏蒸护理、能量石经脉护理、香薰。 6. Health and health care: products, technologies and equipment, moxibustion, enzymes, meridian and magic POTS, suspension moxibustion and health maintenance, fumigation care, energy stone meridians care, and aromatherapy. 7、微商品类:美容、营养、婴幼儿产品、面膜、阿胶等; 7. Micro commodities: beauty, nutrition, baby products, facial mask, gelatin, etc.; 8、女性时尚用品类:流行饰品、消费品、沙龙护肤、仪器、化妆包等 8. Female fashion items: fashion accessories, consumer goods, salon and skin care, instruments, cosmetic bags, etc 9、包装材料类:包装器械、各类容器、专用箱包、装潢印刷; 9. Packaging materials: packaging instruments, all kinds of containers, special cases and bags, decoration printing; 10、口腔美容:牙齿美白、口腔护理产品。 10. Oral beauty: tooth whitening and oral care products. 11、沐浴洗浴:温泉、泳池、沐浴、足浴、健康产业等; 11. Bath and bath: hot spring, swimming pool, bath, foot bath, health industry, etc.; 12、其它:美业微电商、专业媒体、教育培训机构; 12. Others: meiye micro e-commerce, professional media, education training institution;
展位价格: Booth price:
标准展位单开/9*方米;双开9*方米; The standard booth will be open at yuan /9 square meters. yuan /9 square meters;
光地展位:*方米(36*方米起订) Booth no. : yuan per square meter (36m2 minimum order)