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您现在的位置:跨国采购网 > 找展会 > 2020年中东阿拉伯迪拜医疗展(ARAB HEALTH)
  2020年中东阿拉伯迪拜医疗展(ARAB HEALTH)

所属行业: 医药
国家/地区 : 阿拉伯联合酋长国
举办城市: 迪拜
展馆名称: 迪拜世界贸易中心
举办时间: 2020/01/27~2020/01/30

日期:2020年01月27日-30日 Dates:&﹟160;27 - 30 January 2020
地点:迪拜世界贸易中心 Venue:&﹟160;Dubai World Trade Centre
访问总数:106900+ Total visits:&﹟160;106,900+
与会者总数:&﹟160;55,000+ Total attendees:&﹟160;55,000+
代表总数:5,350+ Total delegates:&﹟160;5,350+
参展公司:&﹟160;4,250+ Exhibiting companies:&﹟160;4,250+
出席展览的国家总数:&﹟160;159 Total countries represented at the show:&﹟160;159
参展国:&﹟160;64 Exhibiting countries:&﹟160;64
专用国家展馆:37 Dedicated country pavilions:&﹟160;37
会议:&﹟160;17 Conferences:&﹟160;17

为什么参加迪拜医疗展? Why Arab Health?
1、让你站在世界医疗的顶端 Keeping you at the forefront of healthcare advancements
For 45 years Arab Health has brought you the latest innovations in healthcare. From state-of-the-art imaging equipment to the most cost-effective disposables; developments in surgery to advances in prosthetics, Arab Health continues to be at the heart of healthcare in the Middle East.
2、以科学的方式给你正确的解决方式 Giving you the right solutions at the right price
As the largest collection of healthcare product manufacturers and service providers under one roof, Arab Health is your one-stop shop for all your healthcare sourcing and procurement needs. With thousands of products to explore, coming in from more than 66 countries, make sure you don’t miss this essential business medical event in Dubai. The show is free to visit.
3、为您持续提供专业的医疗教育 Continuing Medical Education for your specialisation
Accompanying the exhibition is a number of business, leadership and Continuing Medical Education (CME) conferences and workshops providing the very latest updates and insights into cutting edge procedures, techniques and skills. Upgrade your knowledge through these immersive educational tracks.
4、把您的产品带到中东市场 Bring your brand to the MENA market
Arab Health prides itself as the leading healthcare business platform in the Middle East. Connecting manufacturers and service providers with clinicians, procurement professionals, dealers and distributors is the primary goal of the event. Leverage the success of the show and make key business contacts by utilising our multiple channels to connect you to the region’s healthcare industry.
出席者范围 Who attends
阿拉伯卫生组织是中东和北非地区***的医疗保健和长篇大论专业人士聚会,欢迎来自159个国家的55 000多名与会者。Arab Health is the largest gathering of healthcare and rade professionals in the MENA regions, welcoming over 55,000 attendees from 159 countries.

上海励东会展-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store(英富曼一级代理,主办方指定报名单位)
工作QQ:2881756276 邮箱:zhangchaoxin(at) *域名隐藏*

单位: 上海励东会展-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store
姓名: 张朝鑫
电话: 0371-55091938
本信息由展览公司自行发布, 内容真实性由发布者负责。
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