所属行业: 五金
国家/地区 : 美国
举办城市: 拉斯维加斯
展馆名称: 拉斯维加斯会展中心
举办时间: 2020/02/04~2020/02/07
展会时间: 2020年2月4-7日
展会地点: 拉斯维加斯会展中心主办单位: Informa Exhibitions U.S.
举办周期: 每年一届
三、展品范围:金刚石切割工具,磨料磨块,绳锯,地坪机械,研磨机械,研磨块,工业吸尘器;脚手架、模板等施工机械装备,预埋件、紧固件、扣件等建筑五金类产品, 干粉砂浆生产设备及控制系统,切割、焊接、绕丝等钢筋加工机械;外加剂: 各类外加剂,如减水剂、增稠剂、氧化铁等颜料;外加材料,如钢纤维、玄武岩纤维、玻纤、聚氨酯纤维等;外加剂生产技术设备;混凝土搅拌运输车、泵车、泵; 各类制品:商品砂浆、混凝土砌块制品、混凝土构件;混凝土砌块、砖瓦生产机械、混合搅拌机械、沙石分离机、 搅拌站、配料站、自动控制系统;泵送机械、布料机械、 喷射机械、 浇注设备、计量设备、 振动设备;检测、试验仪器: 分析、计量、检测仪器设备,试验检测试剂及材料;表面防护技术设备:防水、修补、粘接密封、养护等技术设备;其他建筑设备。
The Producer Center (North Hall) : Featuring marketplace of materials, equipment, demos, and seminars for concrete *域名隐藏* al Handling (Central Hall) : Offering trucks, excavators and more for material delivery, distribution, concrete placement, and earth *域名隐藏* te Repair & Demolition (South Hall) : Housing a display of surface preparation equipment, scarifying, grinding, sawing equipment, and other demolition *域名隐藏* of Masonry (Central Hall) : Showcasing products, tools, information, and technology for masonry professionalsTechnology for Construction (North Hall) : Featuring the newest products and tools for the commercial construction industry from top information technology and systems *域名隐藏* te Surfaces & Decorative (South Hall) : Showcasing the popularity of decorative concrete for both commercial and residential *域名隐藏* t (North Hall) : Featuring the latest products and technologies in the precast/prestressed *域名隐藏* te Masonry (North Hall) : This area showcases everything for the producers of concrete masonry (block, segmental retaining wall units, veneer, slabs, pavers, and roof tiles,admixtures, equipment & supplies and *域名隐藏* te Reinforcement (North Hall) : features the leaders in concrete reinforcement showcasing reinforcement bending, cutting, straightening, and fabricating machinery, reinforced positioners & locators, epoxy-coated, steel, glass fiber, galvanized bar and all types of reinforcement accessories.
Visitor Satisfaction and Profile参观者满意度调查91% 参观者将会参加下届展会70% 参观者***后决定采购60% 参观者是公司领导56% 参观者都发现新产品并找到新合作伙伴
北京领汇国际展览-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 地址:北京市朝阳区农展馆南路13号瑞辰国际中心719 联系人: 臧芳芳 电话:15538304363(同微信) 邮箱:2851182505(at)qq(dot)com 网址: *域名隐藏* *域名隐藏*