所属行业: 家用
国家/地区 : 中国
举办城市: 广州
展馆名称: 广州琶洲·国际采购中心
举办时间: 2018/04/15~2018/04/17
2018中国(广州)国际小家电及厨卫电器展览会 2018 China (Guangzhou) Small Home Appliances and Kitchen Appliances Fair 与国际接轨·创财富机遇 Connecting to the world to create opportunities of fortune 时间:2018年4月15至17号 地点:广州琶洲·国际采购中心 Date: April 15-17, 2018 Venue: Guangzhou Pazhou· International Purchasing Center 邀 请 函 Invitation Letter 主办单位:Sponsors: 广东省家用电器行业协会Guangdong Household Electrical Appliance Association 广州华信展览-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App StoreGuangzhou HuaXin Exhibition Co., Ltd. 协办单位:Co-organizers: 广东省家电商会Guangdong Household Electrical Appliances Chamber of Commerce 顺德家电商会Shunde Household Electrical Appliances Chamber of Commerce 中山市家用电器行业协会Zhongshan Household Electrical Appliances Association 宁波市家电协会Ningbo Household Electrical Appliances Association 承办单位:Organizer: 广州华信展览-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App StoreGuangzhou HuaXin Exhibition Co., Ltd. 展会介绍 Introduction 随着80、90后逐渐成为家庭消费主力,以及电商消费形式的蓬勃发展,小家电体量正在不断扩大,市场规模剧增。与此同时,消费者对小家电及厨房电器产品提出更高的要求,时尚、品牌、健康、环保、安全、智能型电器将成为市场追捧的关键词。 As the post-1980s and post-1990s generations become the main consumers amid the prosperous development of e-business consumption, small home appliances are increasing in number, and the market size also expands by leaps and bounds. Meanwhile, consumers require more for small home appliances and kitchen appliances. As a result, fashionable, famous, healthy, environmental-friendly, safe and smart electrical appliances have become key words pursued in the market. 浩荡春风起,“一带一路”与“粤港澳大湾区”的战略规划实施将吸引更多外来商客汇聚广州投资贸易,CHSAF2018中国(广州)国际生活小家电及厨房电器展览会以“与国际接轨·创财富机遇”定位,多方机构联手,致力为企业解决与外商接洽机会小难题,打造专业化、国际化家电行业展贸平台。本着“推动行业发展,服务中小企业,全球扩散品牌”的理念,依托于广交会天时地利之便,主办方将利用自身资源,联手行业十大门户网站、知名报广,大肆宣传曝光展会信息;设置多项精彩活动,组织海外客商亲临展会现场进行商贸活动,推动企业的出口贸易,全球扩散品牌。 The warm spring breeze is blowing. Thanks to the implementation of “Belt and Road Initiative” and the “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”, more businessmen will be attracted to invest and trade in Guangzhou. 2018 China (Guangzhou) Small Home Appliances and Kitchen Appliances Fair (CHSAF2018) which is positioned as “connecting to the world to create opportunities of fortune” will cooperate with many organizations, striving for solving enterprises’ difficulty in connecting to foreign tradesmen by building a professional and international exhibiting and trading platform for home appliances. By adhering to the philosophy of “promoting industrial development, serving small and medium-sized enterprises and popularizing brands to the world”, the sponsors will, based on the advantages of Canton Fair, maximize their resources to publicize the information of the fair by cooperating with 10 major portals as well as famous newspapers and magazines in the industry. Also, the sponsors will provide several excellent activities to organize overseas businessmen to trade at the fair, thus helping enterprises promote their export and popularize their brands in the whole world. 主题论坛 :2018年智能家电发展论坛 Theme forum: 2018 Forum of Smart Home Appliances 同期举行 :2018年中国小家电创新大赛 Contemporaneous contest: 2018 Innovation Contest of Chinese Small Home Appliances 同期活动 :2018家电行业年度新品推介/发布会 Contemporaneous event: Launch Meeting/Releasing Meeting for New Products in Home Appliance Industry in 2018
特别鸣谢: Acknowledgements: 中国家用电商业协会、中国国际贸易促进委员会广东省分会、中国家用电器协会、首席数据官联盟(CDO);双立人、凌丰(LINKFAIR)、壳氏唯、华帝、宏邦、万家乐、康雨、安博尔;美的、松下、飞利浦、格力、海尔、小狗电器、飞科、乐美佳;碧桂园、万科、恒大、绿地、华夏幸福、保利地产、富力地产、华润置地 China National Household Electric Appliances Commercial Association, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Guangdong Branch, China Household Electrical Appliances Association, China CDO Elite Club (CDO), Zwilling, LINKFAIR, Husk’s Ware, Vatti, Hongbang, Macro, Kangyu, Impower, Midea, Panasonic, Philips, Gree, Haier, Puppy, Flyco, Lemeijia, Country Garden, Vanke, Evergrande, Greenland Group, CFLD, Poly Group, R & F Properties and China Resources (Holdings) Company Limited. 展会亮点 Highlights 1.春季广交会翘首呼应,勃勃商机共享 1. Sharing numerous business opportunities with Spring Canton Fair CHSAF2018将与春季广交会同期毗邻举行,30万国际商客资源共享,参展企业将充分接洽外商,开辟外贸渠道,实现出口贸易额增长。 CHSAF2018 will be held during the same period with Spring Canton Fair. The two fairs will share 300,000 international businessmen. Hence, the exhibitors will be able to contact with foreign businessmen sufficiently, so that they can develop foreign trade channels, thus increasing their export volume. 2.专家精准解读家电出口政策 2. Experts interpret policies with regard to export of home appliances 将邀请千人计划专家对家电出口政策进行解读,分析家电市场在“十三五”期间的进口、出口形势,并根据《中国制造2025》精神,进行前沿技术、市场运营分享。 Experts of “The Recruitment Program of Global Experts” will be invited to interpret policies with regard to export of home appliances and analyze the import and export trends of home appliance market in “the Thirteenth Five-year Plan”, and share the cutting-edge technologies and market operation experience in line with Made in China 2025. 3.探讨家电行业未来走势 3. Discussing the future development trend of home appliance industry 2018智能家电发展论坛,行业专家与企业高层将重点讨论市场目前面临的困境及未来发展趋势,就如何解决“种类多样但同质化严、有价无‘实’,实际使用率低、售后维修难,修或比换贵、扎堆智能,乱象丛生”四个行业难题发表真知灼见,为促进行业健康发展,提高企业营收献计献策,思维与资源盛宴,呼之欲出! At 2018 Forum of Smart Home Appliances, the experts and senior executives in the industry will focus on discussing the dilemma faced by the market and the future development trend of the market. They will express their targeted opinions on the four industrial difficulties, including “many kinds of products are seriously homogeneous and are more expensive than ‘their real value’; it’s difficult to get after-sales service such as maintenance for the products which are not frequently used; repairing is more expensive than buying a new one, and the manufacturers are contending for producing smart products blindly; the market faces disorders everywhere”. They’ll offer new and better ways for promoting the sound development of the industry, which will be apparently a feast of thought and resources! 4.创新小家电产品亮相展会 4. Innovative small home appliances will appear at the fair 展会同期将举行中国小家电创新大赛,以技术论英雄,以造型论人气,曝光企业品牌,提升市场关注度,实现品牌增值。 Innovation Contest of Chinese Small Home Appliances will be held during the fair. Winners will be selected based on technology, and the products with the most attractive appearances will be popular. In this way, the brands will be exposed to the greatest extent, so as to attract more attention in the market, thus increasing the brand value. 5.媒体推广,加强宣传力度 5. Maximizing promotion on media to put more efforts into publicity CHSAF2018将网络媒体和传统媒体相揉合,全方位、无死角、多渠道宣传曝光,加强对海外生活门户网站、社交平台的宣传,通过Facebook、Twitter、Yahoo、Usnook、Detik等媒体进行节点布告,国内国际相结合,形成巨大的宣传效应。 CHSAF2018 will cooperate with both online media and traditional media to publicize the fair in different ways in an all-around manner. It will focus on publicizing at foreign portals and SNSs such as Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Usnook and Detik, etc. In this way, the fair will be publicized widely both home and abroad. 6.展会服务更加专业化 6. The services for the fair will be more professional CHSAF2018拥有一批多达30人的高素质国际客服团队,通过电话、微信、邮件等形式将信息投放给海外商家。在展会期间在展会期间组委会一对一设立专人对接,为外商找产品,为企业找买家。展会结束后将收集的资料发放给参加展会的公司,以便在展会后商家进行联系沟通。海量采购商数据助企业更加精准、高效展开贸易合作。 CHSAF2018 has a leading international customer service team composed of 30 staff. They’ll send the information of the fair to overseas businessmen via telephone, WeChat and E-mail etc. During the fair, the organizing committee will arrange staff to offer one-to-one connection in order to look for products for foreign businessmen and look for buyers for enterprises. After the fair, the organizing committee will give out the collected information to the exhibitors for them to contact with businessmen in future. The numerous data of buyers will be helpful for enterprises to find traders and cooperators more precisely and more efficiently. 展览范围 Exhibition Scope 一、厨房电器:油烟机、灶具、洗碗机、消毒碗柜、豆浆机、果汁机、咖啡机、电饭煲、微波炉、电磁炉、电饼铛、电压力锅、电烤箱、电煎锅、面包机、煮蛋器、打蛋机、厨宝、削皮机、刨冰机、蔬果调理机、烧烤电器等; I. Kitchen appliances: range hood, cooker, dish-washing machine, disinfection cabinet, soy milk maker, juicer, coffee maker, rice cooker, microwave oven, induction cooker, electric baking pan, electric pressure cooker, electric oven, electric frying pan, bread maker, egg boiler, eggbeater, kitchen water heater, peeler, ice crusher, blender, ozonator and barbecue appliances etc. 二、浴室电器:电热水器、热泵热水器、燃气热水器、空气源(能)热水器、太阳能热水器、即热式热水器、速热水龙头、电吹风、浴霸、皂液机、皂液器、干手机、洁身器、排风机等; II. Home appliances for bathroom: electric water heater, heat-pump water heater, gas water heater, air source (energy) water heater, solar water heater, on-demand water heater, water heater tap, hair drier, bath heater, soap dispenser, hand drier, bidet and exhaust fan etc. 三、家庭清洁电器:吸尘器、扫地机、擦鞋机、烫衣板、电驱蚊器、电熨斗、厕所除臭器、垃圾处理机、空气清新机、氧吧、柔巾机、干衣机、脱水机、抽湿机、干鞋机等; III. Home appliances for cleaning: vacuum cleaner, robot sweeper, shoe shiner, ironing board, electric mosquito dispeller, electric iron, toilet deodorization device, garbage disposer, air purifier, oxygen bar, towel softening machine, clothes drier, dehydrator, dehumidifier and shoe drier, etc. 四、居室空气电器:电风扇、除湿机、加湿器、空气净化器、负氧离子发生器、小型氧气发生器等 ; IV. Home appliances for air conditioning: electric fan, dehumidifier, humidifier, air purifier, negative ion generator and small oxygen concentrator etc. 五、个人护理电器:电吹风、直发器、电动剃须刀、卷发器、电动牙刷、美容仪、电动吸奶器等; V.&﹟160;Home&﹟160;appliances&﹟160;for&﹟160;personal&﹟160;care:&﹟160;hair&﹟160;drier,&﹟160;hair&﹟160;straightener,&﹟160;electric&﹟160;shaver,&﹟160;hair&﹟160;curler,&﹟160;electric&﹟160;toothbrush,&﹟160;cosmetic&﹟160;instrument&﹟160;and&﹟160;electric&﹟160;breast&﹟160;pump&﹟160;etc.&﹟160; 六、礼品小家电:厨具、炊具、杯具、生活五金工具、厨具五金工具、茶具、台灯、自动鞋套机、电动牙刷、消毒机、净化器、干衣机、加湿器、面条机、保健按摩器材。 V. Gifts of small home appliances: kitchen ware, cooking utensils, cups and glasses, hardware for daily life, hardware for kitchen, tea set, desk lamp, automatic shoe cover dispenser, electric toothbrush, sterilizer, ozonator, purifier, clothes drier, humidifier, noodle maker and massagers. 七 休闲电器:平衡车、扭扭车、按摩椅、按摩器、足浴盆、血压测量仪、体温测量仪、体脂测量仪等 VII. Leisure appliances:Balance car, Twist car,massage armchair, massager, foot bath basin, sphygmomanometer, thermometer and body fat meter etc. 八、水处理电器:饮水机、净水器、净水龙头、软水机等&﹟160; VIII.&﹟160;Home&﹟160;appliances&﹟160;for&﹟160;water&﹟160;disposal:&﹟160;water&﹟160;dispenser,&﹟160;water&﹟160;purifier,&﹟160;purifying&﹟160;water&﹟160;tap&﹟160;and&﹟160;water&﹟160;softener&﹟160;etc.
参展费用 Booth Price 豪装展位:RMB 12800元/个 Luxurious booth: RMB 12800 yuan/booth 标准展位:RMB 9800元/个 Standard booth: RMB 9800 yuan/booth 空地 Raw space 36 平米起租 36m2 as a minimum RMB 1000元/平米 RMB 1000 yuan/m2 技术研讨会/产品推介会 Technical seminar/product launch meeting 技术研讨会/产品推介会 Technical seminar/product launch meeting RMB 8000元/60 分钟 RMB 8000 yuan/60 minutes 广告服务: Advertising service: 入场券 5000元/5000张 Admission ticket RMB 5000 yuan/5000 pieces 充气拱门1.2 万元/个 Inflatable archway RMB 12,000 yuan/piece 参观证(***) 3.8 万元 Admission card (exclusive) RMB 38,000 yuan 气球条幅6000元/组 Air balloon banner RMB 6,000 yuan/set 广州华信展览-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store Guangzhou HuaXin Exhibition Co., Ltd. 地址:广州市天河区中山大道1023号丰奭商贸大厦4楼8417室 Add: Room 8417, Level 4, Fengshi Trade Building, No. 1023, Zhongshan Avenue, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City 联系人:何先生 13826493062 电话: 86-20-32232787 &﹟160; 32235686 Tel: 86-20-32232787 32235686 传真: 86-20-32232593 Fax: 86-20-32232593 E-mail:2911706642(at)qq(dot)com http:// *域名隐藏* GHSAF2018 传承广州财富论坛荣耀 品牌盛宴,4月揭幕!