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  China lutong will attend China International Agricultural Machin

所属行业: 汽配
国家/地区 : 中国
举办城市: 武汉
展馆名称: 武汉国际博览中心
举办时间: 2017/10/26~2017/10/28

China lutong will attend China International Agricultural Machinery Exhibition 2017

Dear Sir/Madam,

China Lutong will attend two Auto Parts & Accessories Exhibitions in October, We hereby cordially invite you or your company representatives to visit our Booth # A7035E at China International Agricultural Machinery Exhibition and Booth # N3305 at The 82nd China Automobile Parts Fair (CAPF). It would be a great honor to meet you in person and share your insightful ideas in the Automotive Fuel Injection Systems Industry. Our information about these events is as follows.

China International Agricultural Machinery Exhibition 2017
Booth No.: A7035E
Date: 26-28 October 2017
Location: Wuhan International Expo Center
Address: 619, Yingwu Rd, Hanyang Distrct, Wuhan, Hubei, China
TEL: 13666938275

单位: China-lutong parts plant
姓名: Shary Hu
电话: 0086-594-3605653
本信息由展览公司自行发布, 内容真实性由发布者负责。
 . China lutong will attend The 82nd China Automobile Parts Fair (C
 . China lutong will attend China International Agricultural Machin
 . China Lutong Auto Parts & Accessories Exhibitions in October
 . China lutong will take part in China Automobile Parts Fair (CAPF
 . China lutong will take part in China Yiwu Auto and Motorcycle P
 . China Lutong Automotive Parts & Accessories Trade Shows in Octob
 . China lutong will take part in 122TH China Import and Export Fai
 . 122TH China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair)
 . Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City 2017
 . DengZhou Auto Parts and Equipment Exhibition 2017
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