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您现在的位置:跨国采购网 > 找展会 > 中国国际网络互动游戏及电子竞技展览会

所属行业: 文化
国家/地区 : 中国
举办城市: 北京
展馆名称: 中国国际展览中心(静安庄馆)
举办时间: 2017/12/15~2017/12/17

主办单位 Hosted by:中国文化娱乐行业协会

联合主办 Co-hosted by:

支持单位 Supported by:
广东鸿威国际会展集团-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store
香港鸿威国际会展-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store

承办单位 Organized by:
广东鸿威国际会展集团-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store
北京鸿威世博会展-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store


Establish Correct Value Orientation, Develop Healthy Puzzle Games


为贯彻国家关于“稳促调惠”和“放管服”的决策部署,扩大文化消费,推动文化娱乐行业转型升级,促进行业健康有序发展,2016 年 9 月 18 日,国家文化部发布《关于推动文化娱乐行业转型升级的意见》。以融合发展、创新供给、拓展受众、提升形象为总体思路,坚持把社会效益放在首位,增强企业社会责任,推动行业健康有序发展。


经国家文化部批准,我会在 2017 年 12 月 15-17 日,在北京国际展览中心举办“中国国际网络互动游戏及电子竞技展览会”,目的围绕行业转型升级服务,树立转型升级标杆,分享文化娱乐产业商机。

Game culture as an essential part in cultural industry, is of significance to fulfill people’s spiritual and cultural needs, expand and guide cultural consumption, foster employment and boost economic development.

Devoting to boost cultural entertainment consumption and facilitate its sound development, Ministry of Culture of PRC decisively issued Transformation and Upgrading Instruction of Cultural Entertainment, underlying the core value of development integration, supply innovation, target expansion and image upgrading and prioritizing the social benefit as well as social responsibility.

To maintain the positive role of game industry, the cultural influence as well as the correct value orientation will be firstly penetrated into through actual actions like standardized operation.

Approved by Ministry of Culture of PRC, China Int’ l Network Interactive Game & E-sports Fair(GES) is to inaugurate during 15-17, 2017 in Beijing. It is a excellent platform where cultural entertainment business opportunities are to share, industrial transformation and upgrading service to develop.

展览主题 Themed Display

Sunshine Entertainment · Integrated Innovation

现场活动 On-site Performance

步步高升升级赛 Level Notching Contest

王者荣耀争霸赛 Glory of the King Championship

疯狂斗地主大赛 Fight the Landlords Competition

英雄联盟大赛 League of Legends Championship

社会责任 Social Responsibility


Shoulder the mission and responsibility to serve the country and serve the people


Adhere to the unity of economic and social benefits, sunshine entertainment, integrated development


To be the leading unit of Chinese game industry, to maintain the internet purity


Pioneer the international network game toward features of puzzle, interaction, study, entertainment and health


Transform and upgrade as a model soldier to lead healthy development of the industry

参会观众 Visitor




&﹟9658;Relevant governmental management and supervision departments of culture and entertainment sector
&﹟9658;Open towards the whole country, game enthusiasts to visit and experience for free

&﹟9658;Invite game teams nationwide to visit and compete &﹟9658;Related education departments, schools, professional training institutions

参展范围 Exhibition Scope




&﹟9658;Online games, mobile games, game development, game competitions, game platforms, terminal devices, single-player games, networked video games, game peripherals, etc
&﹟9658;Internet enterprises, Internet technology, Internet management, software, etc

&﹟9658;Industry related: game related media, publications, game console lottery, game software development, game talent training institution, etc

参展费用 Exhibition Fee

标准展位 国内企业(RMB) 15800 元/个 境外企业(USD) 3800 美元/个

说明:3m×3m(含三面围板高 2.5 米、洽谈台一张、折椅二把、射灯二盏、中英文楣板)

室内空地 国内企业(RMB) 1380 元/m2 境外企业(USD) 380 美元/m2

说明:空地不含任何设施参展商需自行设计、装修,组委会按 RMB50 元/m2 收取特装管理费。

Standard Booth RMB3,800 Booth facilities: three white surrounding boards, one table, two
(3m×3m) chairs, two daylight lamps, fascia in Chinese and English
No facilities provided. The booth should be set up and decorated
Raw Space RMB380/sq. m. by exhibitors themselves. RMB50/sq. m for special booth
decoration management.

参展说明 Exhibition Instruction

1.所有展商,报名后七个工作日内,将参展费用 50%(作为展位定金)汇入大会组委会指定帐号,逾期大会不予保留展位或服务事项;余款于 2017 年 11 月 15 日前全部交清。逾期未付将视为自动放弃展位。取消企业参展展位,预付定金不退。





*域名隐藏* exhibitors shall, within seven working days after the registration, remit 50% of the exhibition fees (as the booth deposit) to the designated account and pay off the balance prior to 15 November, 2017. Overdue payment will be deemed as a waiver to booth. Booth cancel exhibitor shall be liable for the non-refundable down payment.

*域名隐藏* tors shall carefully read and understand the invitation letter, exhibition, agree with all the arrangement or regulation of GES.
*域名隐藏* tors shall guarantee no counterfeit and shoddy products will be displayed on site, nor IP infringement, nor booth resell or booth connected. For any regulation violation, Organizing Committee is entitled to remove the exhibits and refuse to return any exhibition fees.
*域名隐藏* exhibitors who drop out halfway, all deposit will not be refunded. Other unlisted fees including rental, transportation, construction, travel will be at the exhibitors’ own risk.
Notes: Please quote the remit with ‘Beijing CCEE’. For personal remittance, company name shall be specified while the remittance billing shall be sent to the CCEE Office.

联系方式 Contact Us
地址:北京市朝阳区朝阳门外大街 26 号朝外 MEN 大厦 B 座 1603 室
China Culture & Entertainment Industry Association(CCEA) Secretariat
Add: Room 1603, Block B,of MEN Building, ChaoYang Men Wai, No.26 of ChaoYang Men Wai
Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Tel: 010-85794221/225/211/252

广东鸿威国际会展集团-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store
地 址:广州市科学城科学大道 100 号科汇金谷 3 街 4 号
总 机:+86 20 36657000
传 真:+86 20 36657099
官 网: *域名隐藏*
手 机:15622272935(微信同号) 18565129387
邮 箱:1182087811(at)qq(dot)com

Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group
Add: Room 301, No.7, the First Street of Kehui Jingu, No.100 of Kexue Avenue, Science City,
Huangpu District, Guangzhou
Tel: +86 20 36657000
Fax: +86 20 36657099

单位: 广东鸿威国际会展集团 营业执照已上传
姓名: 李坚豪
电话: 15622272935
本信息由展览公司自行发布, 内容真实性由发布者负责。
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