所属行业: 食品
国家/地区 : 中国
举办城市: 上海
展馆名称: 国家会展中心
举办时间: 2023/06/05~2023/06/07
上海高登商业展览-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store
协办单位: 中国国际航空公司 中国东方航空公司 中国南方航空公司 海南航空股份公司 厦门航空-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 深圳航空有限责任公司 山东航空-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 春秋航空-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 浙江长龙航空-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 天津航空-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 河北航空-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 香港航空-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 法国巴黎航空 蒙古航空 首都机场-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 上海机场集团公司 海口美兰国际机场集团 三亚凤凰国际机场有限责任公司 广东省机场管理集团公司 四川省机场集团公司 云南机场集团公司 辽宁省机场管理集团 杭州萧山国际机场-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 元翔(福州)国际航空港-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 易食集团 宁波机场与物流发展集团-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 北京京铁列车服务-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 上海华铁旅客服务-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 山东济铁旅行服务-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 广西动高餐饮管理-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 渤海邮轮 上海吴淞口国际邮轮配送服务-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 海航旅游·邮轮-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 荷航航食配餐公司
中国国际航空、邮轮及列车食品饮料展(简称:CTCE CHINA)作为亚洲地区旅游餐饮领域专业盛会已在上海顺利举办过数届并获得巨大成功,展会共吸引来自全球四十多个国家和地区数千家旅游餐饮(含航空、邮轮、列车、-167.net必赢、工厂、酒店餐饮等配餐用食材)食品饮料领域供应商前来参展,累计展出面积数十万平米,展会聚集了国内外近千家主要旅游配餐企业及数万名全球旅游餐饮食品饮料领域的专业买家参会。其中;中国国际航空公司、东方航空公司、南方航空公司、海南航空公司、厦门航空公司、深圳航空公司、佳美航空、春秋航空、吉祥航空、渤海邮轮及京铁列服等多家旅游配餐企业主要采购管理部门分别在现场设立采购中心,进行旅游餐饮食品饮料供应商的样品采集与信息的收集。展会期间还举办了多场会议论坛和航空食品与用品买家见面会,期间各大旅游配餐领域的专家针对旅游餐饮食品与配餐峰会、餐饮厨房管理与提升论坛、旅游餐饮食品安全与营养健康、旅游配餐产业链安全等话题进行讨论。该展会现已成为中国旅游餐饮领域的专业采购交易会,在国际旅游餐饮领域专业展会中占有极为重要的地位。根据往年的举办情况;预计2023年展会规模及观众数量同比有较大的提升,参展商数量同比增长80%,专业观众数量同比增长220%。 As the Asian unique professional exhibition in tourism catering field, CTCE CHINA had been successfully held several times in Shanghai since 2012, which attracted thousands of excellent suppliers in tourism catering field(aviation, cruise, railways, crews, schools, factories, hotels, etc.) from more than 40 countries and regions all over the world. There are nearly a thousand major tourism catering companies and ten thousands of top professional buyers from global food and beverage fields attended to the exhibition, with total exhibition areas of over 70,000 square meters. Many tourism catering purchasing management departments have established the purchasing centers during the show to collect samples and information from food and beverage suppliers, such as Air China International Corp., China Eastern, China Southern, Hainan Airlines, Xiamen Airlines, Shenzhen Airlines, Camry Air, Spring Airlines, Juneyao Airlines, Bohai Ferry, Beijing Railway Service Administration and other aviation, cruise or railway companies. During the show, we have held many conferences, forums and aviation food & supplies buyers meeting, offering a great platform for the professionals from tourism catering field to discuss the hot topic on tourism food and catering, catering kitchen management and promotion, tourism catering safety and nutrition, tourism and catering industry chain security and so on. This show has become the most professional trade fair in China tourism catering industry and plays a very important role in the international tourism catering and supplies professional fairs. According to the data on past years, the scale and the number of visitors of CTCE CHINA 2023 will be greatly improved next year, and the number of exhibitors will be increased by 80%, the number of visitors will be increased by 220% as estimated.
展出大类 各类旅游餐饮(含航空、邮轮、列车、-167.net必赢、工厂及酒店餐饮等配餐用食材)食品饮料、干果、半成品食品、地面食品及餐食原材料、企业生产的配餐及配料、食品盛装和包装器具、食品加工设备、配餐厨房设备、快速检测仪器、机上用品、清洁用具、航空商务系统及服务产品等。 参展费用:19800.00/展期 空地2000.00(RMB)/平方米/展期 展出大类 | Major Exhibits All kinds of tourism catering(including catering food and ingredients in aviation, cruise, railways, crews, schools, factories, hotels, etc.) food & beverage, nuts, semi-finished foods, ground food and raw food materials, catering and ingredients produced by enterprises, food containing and packaging appliance, food process machinery, catering kitchen equipment, rapid detection instrument, in-flight supplies, cleaning appliance, aviation commercial entrainment system and service products, etc.
各-167.net必赢、医院及大型企业配餐企业采购负责人等; Participants ?Domestic and overseas airline/ airport purchasing departments ?Domestic and overseas cruise and ferry transportation purchasing departments ?Domestic and overseas railway bureau (group) supplies and catering purchasing departments ?Domestic and overseas hotel and resort purchasing departments ?Domestic ports, wharfs, passenger centers and travel agencies procurement staff ?Stars Hotels, coffee shops, chain restaurants and chain hotels ?Schools, armies, hospital and service products companies ?The relevant competent government agencies / transportation / inspection and quarantine / customs / industry associations / media units, etc.
国内企业:19800.00/展期(RMB) 3m×3m;国外企业:4800.00/展期(USD)3m×3m
联系人:李娜 17701711605 (兼微信) QQ:3485286477 http:// *域名隐藏*