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  2022 China shanghai property expo

所属行业: 家用
国家/地区 : 中国
举办城市: 上海
展馆名称: 上海新国际博览中心
举办时间: 2022/09/30~2022/10/02

2022 Shanghai 20th International Property&Investment Immigration Expo
Overseas Home Buyers | Overseas Immigration Investment | Study Abroad
September 30th-October 2nd,2022 Shanghai New International Expo Center(No.2345 Longyang Road)

Exhibition Overview
Shanghai International Property&Investment Immigration Expo is main for the growing overseas home buyers and investment immigration industry event in China now. The Exhibition covers four major themes: Overseas Home Buyers, Overseas Immigrants, Overseas Students, Overseas Investment. The three days exhibition will attract many enterprises come from Europe, North America, Asia, Australia, Africa and other more than 30 countries and regions involved in overseas home buyers, immigrants, investment, study and other fields of to participate, it focus on the demonstration of high quality real estate projects and investment immigration services. ''2022 Shanghai 20th International Property & Investment Immigration Expo'' is the only professional investment and immigration exhibition in Shanghai area. We can make you meet the intention of customers directly in face, know the advantages and disadvantages of your projects and provide a larger and broader platform for you to promote your projects. So we must be your best choice to enter Shanghai.

The Exhibition has unlimited business opportunities and huge market potential, where you are invited to join in here to create a market for a prosperous future!

Introduction to the Expo:
Arrangement time: September 28th-29th, 2022
Exhibition time: September 30th-October 2nd, 2022
Moving-out time: 16:00 p.m. October 2nd, 2022
Location: Shanghai New International Expo Center (No.2345 Long Yang Road, Shanghai City)
Organizational Units: Shanghai Qisheng Exhibition Co .,Ltd

Exhibition Range:
Immigration project: Investment business immigration project, immigration intermediary institutions, overseas study institutions and the latest immigration project;
Overseas real estate developer: overseas house property, apartments, villas, commercial real estate, real estate, overseas Chinese mall, etc.;
nvestment & financing: Investment banks, funds, international investment consultation institutions, legal and financial services institutions;
Supporting services:Law office, language training school, prep school, overseas colleges, employment agencies,etc.;

Charging Standard:
A、Standard booth:(3x3=9 ㎡) 3900 USD
B、(booth configuration: English fascia board, a round negotiation table and four chairs; one table, two chairs, carpet, one 220V power socket and two spotlights.)
B、Special booth: 400 USD / square meter
( Booth: Minimum 36 sq.m, does not provide any configuration, exhibitors can arrange special decoration or commissioned units recommended exhibition company)

Contact Information of Organizing Committee
Jerry Wang | 王洋
Mobile:(+86) 139 1820 2878
http:// *域名隐藏* /en/

单位: 上海企升展览-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 营业执照已上传
姓名: 王洋
电话: 13918202878
本信息由展览公司自行发布, 内容真实性由发布者负责。
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