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      家居 > 美容护理 > 美发器材 > 烫发器类

RFDJR-678接发器 价格:36元/个

RFDJR-678接发器 价格:36元/个

报价:  36元/个
单位: 深圳市锐洪天贸易-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store
姓名: 周小芳
电话: 0755-86529559
3. Temperature constant and temperature control *域名隐藏* nt one will be stable when the temperature reach220 ,the temperature range of control one is from 100 to 200 ,meet different melting points of different glue.
4. 611,678 temperature constant and temperature control are the same *域名隐藏* other model temperature control use external temperature control box 609 just have temperature constant model.

规格:  RFD
数量:  10000 包装:正常包装
日期:  2012-11-15  

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