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报价:  265元
单位: 润和国际贸易(上海)-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store
姓名: 杨先生
电话: 021-56640855
润和国际贸易(上海)-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store特价现货销售德国IPF光电接近开关,IPF接近开关,IPF电容式开关,IPF感应式开关,IPF磁性开关,IPF激光传感器,IPF超声波传感器器,IPF光栅,IPF

随着工业自动化的迅速发展,ipf 作为传感器和测量仪表的主要供应商之一,在不断地努力研发制造
基础:ipf electronic 的成功和极高的声誉是基于以下三点:
1、高品质、高性能的产品确保了 ipf 在市场上的地位。2年的质保期。
选择:ipf electronic 期待着与您紧密地合作!


We are ipf electronic and do more than just our job. We think outside the box, create innovative, sustainable solutions and remain approachable. We are based in Sauerland, one of the most innovative areas in Germany. Our products are precise, clever, technologically well-engineered and versatile. Our 140 employees live and breathe service, even outside of normal business hours.


Capacitive proximity switches are contact-free sensors. They detect metallic and non-metallic objects, regardless of whether they move or not. The achievable sensing range of the devices depends on the object material, its dimensions and the response sensitivity, which is set via a potentiometer. The vibration-resistant sensors can be approached laterally or frontally. Capacitive proximity switches are used for presence detection (e.g. sealing detection), positioning (e.g. PET bottles), counting (e.g. plastic caps), level detection (e.g. lubricant) or distance measurements (e.g. thickness measurement) of solid and liquid materials.


The function of the flow sensor is based on the calorimetric principle. The probe is heated up from the inside a few degrees Celsius in relation to the flow medium, in which it protrudes. When the medium flows, the heat generated in the probe is dissipated through the medium. The temperature within the sensor is measured and compared with the likewise measured medium temperature. From the obtained temperature difference the flow state of each medium can be derived. These sensors are applied in areas such as monitoring of cooling systems, ventilation systems, pump dry running by checking the presence of liquid or gas *域名隐藏* function of the flow sensor is based on the calorimetric principle. The probe is heated up from the inside a few degrees Celsius in relation to the flow medium, in which it protrudes. When the medium flows, the heat generated in the probe is dissipated through the medium. The temperature within the sensor is measured and compared with the likewise measured medium temperature. From the obtained temperature difference the flow state of each medium can be derived. These sensors are applied in areas such as monitoring of cooling systems, ventilation systems, pump dry running by checking the presence of liquid or gas flows.


润和国际贸易(上海)-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store是一家新兴的进出口贸易公司,集设计,成产,销售为一体的综合型公司。


润和国际贸易(上海)-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store全体员工将竭诚为您服务。

Rey Young
Sales Manager
R&H International Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
润和国际贸易(上海)-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store

Room 1118, Building 1,No.5018 Hutai Road, Shanghai City. China

规格:  1
数量:  100 包装:1
日期:  2020-07-21  

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