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SMD street light

SMD street light

报价:  电议
单位: 宁波佰细光电科技-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store
姓名: 蒋先生
电话: 057487323567
The surface temperature of PCI device along the heat transfer ways doesn't show the dull change as usual. The temperature of the place far from the heat source may be lower than one of the nearer place. Meantime, man can find that the heat transfers from the heated side of the device to the far place by very high speed, keeping the heated place in low temperature.
As a new and the next generation heat transfer way PCI technology has advantages with “two high”, High heat transfer speed and high heat transfer density. Make use of film heater or high power torch to heat the PCI device, and measure the actual the heat transfer density.
The heat transfer density could reach 100-1000W/ cm2. Integration of heat transfer and dissipation structure.
Good Temperature homogeneity.

数量:   包装:
日期:  2018-08-17  

stadium light

SMD street light


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