产品类别:蓝牙手镯 市场定位:时尚、潮流、远离手机辐射 主要卖点:蓝牙功能、来电振动提醒、遗失振动报警
1、表壳:采用高分子有机化合物(ABS塑胶)加工完成,呈现弧形固态形状,拥有99度完美曲线身段,光滑动感,细致优雅。 2、机芯:采用半导体晶体震荡器,为手表系统提供基准信号。 3、功能:来电振动提醒,遗失振动提醒,来电号码显示,时钟显示功能,潮流腕表 时尚蓝牙手镯,设置方便简单 远离手机辐射 4、表盘:时尚美观的OLED显示屏,户外强光下依然能正常使用显示。 5、表带、表链:采用细致光滑的高分子有机合物(ABS塑胶)精制而成,内侧采用Rubber(复合橡胶)柔软贴手。 The Bluetooth bracelet with clock works as a timer, the bluetooth bracelet is capable of every brand Bluetooth mobile phone, When not in use it can perform trippy visualizations. The rest of the band is silica gel and can be soft, as there are different colours. Bracelet will show caller tel. no. when you receive a call. and with vibration. It can be applicable for every brand bluetooth mobile phone.
规格: |
BW13 |
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日期: |
2012-05-29 |