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报价:  电议
姓名: Jnice
电话: 86-53287901916
The major characterizations of the SOCARE thin-section ball bearing are that, light weight, sufficient rigidity, small section, and the excellent load bearing performance. They also have many kinds of sections and dimensions. As usual we called it as Thin-section ball bearing when the hole diameter was more than 4 times larger than the radial sections. It can solve many design problems which the common bearings cannot complete in application. The Thin-section ball bearings produced by our SOCARE company totally have three kinds of structural, are divided into five series. Among them, the sections which change with the hole diameter are two times of the steel balls’ diameter .. The diameter unit usually is inch.
The thin-section ball bearings series SOCARE are always used in the circumstances, such as requiring small space, heavy load , light weight or limiting some special forms. At the same time, we also provide some special services , for example, we produce bearings according to the customers’ blueprint re. At present, each series of them are widely applied in aircraft , aerospace and astronomy instrumentation, fixing and work holding equipment , food processing equipment , glass working equipment , index and rotary tables, packing equipment , machine tools, medical devices, optical scanning equipment, radar, satellite and communications equipment, robotics, textile machinery, tube and pipe cutting machines, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, sorting equipment and so on in all the various trades and occupations.

规格:  KF100XP0
数量:   包装:
日期:  2013-04-25  


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  • 车架(23)
  • 底架(2)
  • 悬挂(0)
  • 驱动桥(0)
  • 底盘电气(1)
  • 摩擦材料(1)
  • 四轮一带(231)
  • 轮边减速器(0)
  • 液力变矩器(4)
  • 发动机控制器(21)
  • 其它底盘和传动部件(77)
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