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JZSSeries JZS engin

JZSSeries JZS engin

报价:  电议
单位: nakin oil purifier trader
姓名: Ivy
电话: 86-23-68645072

Series JZS engine oil regeneration system is mainly for regenerating the waste engine oil, this equipment can effective separate water, gas, particles, deeply oxides, free carbon, colloid, asphalt and wax from oil, making black engine oil become transparent golden color. This equipment has the functions of dewatering, degassing, decolor. Improving the engine oil’s properties, restoring the oil’s performance and lowering wear to ensure the engine can work normally and safely, prolonging the engine and engine oil lifetime.

规格:  JZS
数量:  100 包装:wooden case
日期:  2013-04-27  

JZSSeries JZS engin

TYASeries TYA vacuu

TYASeries TYA vacuu

NAKINSeries ZYD Doubl
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