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所属行业: 食品
国家/地区 : 澳大利亚
举办城市: 墨尔本
展馆名称: 墨尔本展览中心
举办时间: 2018/09/10~2018/09/13

2018年澳大利亚国际食品展/ Fine Food Australia 2018

2018澳大利亚食品展主办单位:Diversified Exhibitions
2018澳大利亚食品展组展单位:北京领汇国际展览-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store
官方联系人:Sara 15137674051 QQ:2851182557

Fine Food Australia is the leading trade exhibition for the food industry. The event is a showcase of the latest products and attracts buyers from restaurants, cafes, bakeries, retailers, caterers, bars, hotels and other food businesses.
In 2017 Commercial Drinks, an industry event dedicated to bars and venues, will run alongside Fine Food Australia and showcase top craft and artisan beer, wine and spirits brands.

Explore products from over 1,000 exhibiting brands showcasing: general & specialty food, catering equipment, hospitality equipment, bakery, drinks, coffee, tea, dairy, meat & seafood, retail & technology, fitout & design, packaging, natural, organic & free-from, and on-premise liquor.

Discover new tastes for your menu, and find new and innovative brands to stock on your shelves. A visit to Fine Food Australia is the best way to bring new ideas back to your business and keep your customers coming back for more.

Network with chefs, restaurateurs, café and bar owners, and other food operators over four days. Between 20,000-25,000 visitors attend Fine Food Australia each year. Meet face to face with leading industry suppliers and negotiate better supply and distribution deals for your business.

Learn from food industry leaders and successful operators covering practical solutions to common food business issues, including staffing, profitability and operating efficiencies. Gain insight into the top trends affecting Australia’s food industry to ensure your business is in step with changing consumer demands.

★ 是澳大利亚每年一度***的食品行业展览,自 1984 年举办以来,迄今已成功举办了 31 届
★ 汇集了来自全球 45 个国家超过1,000 家参展商;吸引了超过20,000 名观众
★ 展会期间举行高水平的食品专业会议,国际餐饮顾问协会(FCSI)的专家在会议上进行专业指导
★ 超过 30%的观众为具有决策权的管理层;97.7%的观众认为该展会为其业务提供了新思路

▼ 农副产品、罐头食品、休闲食品、肉类品、水产品、调味品、豆制品
▼ 方便食品、粮油制品、速冻食品、脱水蔬菜、食用菌、绿色食品、冻干食品
▼ 保健食品、婴幼儿食品、禽制品、乳制品、干鲜果蔬、烘烤食品
▼ 饮料、咖啡、烟酒、饼干、糖果、食品原辅料及添加剂、茶叶及土特产品等
▼ 食品加工技术,食品机械,冰淇淋生产技术,包装技术

北京领汇国际展览-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store
Beijing Leway International Fairs Co., Ltd.
Add:Room 719, Ruichen International Center, 13 Nongzhanguan South Road, Chaoyang district, Beijing 100125,China
联系人:翟丹丹 Sara Zhai
联系(contact):15137674051(微信)QQ :2851182557
传真(Fax): 010-51295379

1 2018年法国巴黎国际食品展 2018.10.16-20 两年一届 巴黎
2 2018年第42届日本国际食品及饮料展 2017.03.06-09 每年一届 千叶幕张
3 2018年第35届韩国首尔国际食品展(Seoul Food) 2018.05.16-19 每年一届 首尔
4 2018年伊朗国际食品展Iran Food Fairtrade 2017 2018.05.22-25 每年一届 德黑兰
5 2018年南非国际食品展 2018.06.19-21 每年一届 约翰内斯堡
6 2018年美国夏季特色食品展Fancy Food(第62届) 2018.06.25-27 每年一届 纽约
7 2018年澳大利亚国际食品展 2017.09.11-14 每年一届 墨尔本

单位: 北京领汇国际展览-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 营业执照已上传
姓名: 翟丹丹
电话: 15137674051
本信息由展览公司自行发布, 内容真实性由发布者负责。
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