所属行业: 百货
国家/地区 : 中国
举办城市: 青岛
展馆名称: 青岛华&﹟8226;秀国际会展中心
举办时间: 2017/06/29~2017/07/02
中国(山东)国际宠物博览会 China(Shandong) International Pet Expo 推介资料 Introductory Material
中国&﹟8226;青岛 China&﹟8226;Qingdao
一、 展会背景简介(Exhibition background): [高速成长的中国宠业]Booming China Pet Trade Industry 二十一世纪以来,中国宠物行业长期保持着高速的成长,由洋品牌的一统天下到民族产业的兴起,中国自有品牌自有知识产权的宠物行业商品获得市场的认可,取得长足发展。2013年宠物行业规模达到300亿元,2015年规模已达500亿元,预计未来的宠物市场规模可达千亿元。 Since the 21st century, Chinese pet industry has developed with high speed, from foreign brands all around to the raise of national enterprises . Pet products with own Intellectual Property has gained recognition and long term development. In 2013, the pet industry has created 30 billion RMB, while in 2015, 50 billion RMB was achieved. It is estimated that future pet industry will achieve hundreds of billions of RMB. [宠业制造之都——山东]Capital of Pet Manufacturing ——Shandong 山东是宠物食品用品制造业大省,出口量居全国首位。据统计,宠物食品进出口贸易已扩展到全球40多个国家。近年来,由于国内经济发展,养宠成热流,宠物用品消费快速上升,市场的兴起,越来越多的生产经销商开始关注国内市场,全国采购商眼光汇聚山东,青岛本地的宠物展将有巨大的商机。 Shandong is famous for manufacturing pet food and products with top exports in China. According to statistics, pet food import and export trade has expanded to more than and 40 countries around the world. In recent years, due to the development of the domestic economy, raising pet is becoming more and more popular. With pet consumption rises rapidly, more and more production dealers began to pay attention to the domestic *域名隐藏* buyers gathered in Shandong and local Qingdao pet exhibition will have huge business opportunities. [贸易拓展的精准桥梁]Precise Bridge for Trade Exploitation 中国(山东)国际宠物博览会,预计将有3000名专业观众及买家到会参观,专业的配套服务为观、展双方搭建精准的贸易洽谈桥梁和庞大的销售市场,是有效开拓潜在合作伙伴的难得机会。 It is estimated 3,000 profession visitors and buyers will visit China(Shandong) International Pet Expo. Professional supporting services will be provided to bridge the connect between exhibitors and visitors. This huge sale market is a golden opportunity for exploiting potential partners. 二、组织机构(Organization:) 主办单位:山东省宠物行业协会 Organizer: Shandong Pet Industry Association 承办单位:青岛启航国际会展服务-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store Undertaker: Qingdao Sailing International Exhibition Service Co., Ltd 支持单位: 中国食品土畜进出口商会、中国宠物产业联盟; 上海市宠物行业协会、广东省宠物行业协会、浙江省宠物行业协会、浙江省进出口宠物食品用品行业协会、四川省宠物行业协会; 青岛市宠物食品研究所、青岛游金地信息技术-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store; 青岛艾德奥经贸-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store、青岛丽中投资管理-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store、青岛远飞宠物食品-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store、潍坊平和园宠物用品商贸-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store、山东路斯宠物食品-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store、青岛好日子食品-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store、四方区爱尔宠物美容俱乐部、威海博美服饰-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store、济南润达机械-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store、山东东洋泰工艺品-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store、青岛德荣卫生用品-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store
二、 展览范围(Exhibition scope) 宠物食品(Pet food ):主粮、零食、饲料、食品添加剂; 宠物用品(Pet products):服装、窝垫、笼舍、玩具、美容保健、洗护用品、训导用品; 宠物医疗(Veterinary medicine):宠物医院设备、宠物药品、手术器械、保健护理用品、生物制品、处方饲料、检测试纸试剂等; 宠物电商、服务(Pet E-Commerce and service):电商平台、APP、O2O服务; 宠物配套(Pet matching):原材料、食品加工机械、食品包装技术等 活体、水族产品(Living pets、Aquari):爬宠、毛宠、鱼类、水族箱、过滤设备、照明器材、饲料、药品、造景装饰、鱼缸等
四、展会安排(Exhibition arrangement) 1、展会时间:2017年6月29日-7月2日 报道布展:6月27日(周二)上午 8:30-下午 17:00 6月28日(周三)上午 8:30-下午 17:00 展出时间:6月29日-7月2日上午 9:00-下午 17:30 撤展时间:6月28日(周四)下午 15:00 专业观众:6月29日-7月2日上午 9:00-下午 17:30 公众观众:6月30日-7月2日上午 9:00-下午 17:30 1. Exhibition time: 29 June to 2 July 2017 Reports exhibit: 27 June (Tuesday) – 8:30-17:00 28 June (Wednesday) – 8:30-17:00 Exhibition time:29 June to 2 July - 9:00-17:30 Closing time: 2 July(Thursday) - 15:00 Professional Trade Day: 29 June to 2 July - 09:00-17:30 Public Days: 30 June to 2 July - 09:00-17:30
2、展会地点:中国青岛华&﹟8226;秀国际会展中心(市北区四流南路80号) Exhibition venue: Qingdao China-Fashion International Convention and Exhibition Center (No 80, Siliunan Road, Shibei District)
3、展会规模:20000平米展会面积 预计800个标准展位 Exhibition scale: exhibition area of 20,000 square meters, 800 standard booths
五、同期活动(Concurrent event) 1、专业采购对接盛会Professional Procurement MatchmakingConference 2、宠物行业高峰论坛Pet industry summit 3、狗狗全国运动会National Dog games 4、宠物行业电商论坛Pet industry forum 5、宠物美容师竞技大赛Pet Groomers Competition 6、宠物营养学专题讲座Lecture on Animal Nutrition 7、宠物门店运营与销售名师大讲堂Pet Store Operation and Famous Sales Teacher Lecture 8、宠物疾病的防范与控制专题讲座Lecture on Pet Disease Control and Prevention 六、收费标准(Booth price ) 标准展位(9㎡):5600元/个(双开口加收500元角位费) 光地展位(36㎡起租): 500元/㎡ Standard booth( 9㎡): RMB 5,600/Booth (booth with two openings surcharges RMB 500) Raw space (above 36㎡): RMB 500/square meters 七、为何参加中国(山东)国际宠物博览会? (Why join China- Shandong International Pet Expo?) 【客户精准】 展会客流量将超过6万人次,且专业采购商超过3000人,市场销售及接单潜力巨大。 Precise target Customer flows will be estimated to reach more than 60,000, including more than 3,000 professional visitors, providing huge business opportunities. 【宣传到位】 全国大型专业市场深度对接并投放广告、数千家宠物医院及门店合作宣传、各类行业协会俱乐部深度合作、国内外买家定向邀约、国内外展会推介、众多新闻媒体广泛关注、电视、广播、纸媒、户外、网络全面覆盖。 Mess media Ad will be put into professional pet market, thousands of pet hospitals, pet associations, buyers and exhibitions at home and abroad. The information will also be spread through television, broadcast, newspaper, outdoors and internet. 【独具规模】 800个标准展位,20000㎡展会面积,500家参展商,将成为我国北方地区规模大、影响广泛、销售渠道广的宠物展。 The fair will have 800 standard booths, 500 exhibitors with 20,000 m2 exhibition area, which will become the largest pet fair in Northern China for its sales channels. 【主题丰富】 生产制造厂家直面终端、新品发布品牌推介、专业采购对接、各类竞技比赛、表演、专题论坛、讲座等纷至沓来,丰富展期活动。 On-site display, new product display, face to face procurement meeting between supplies and buyers, competition, show, forum, lecture will be hold to color the exhibition. 【区位优势】 青岛作为北方重要的外贸口岸和国际化都市,连接海内外,辐射日本、韩国等宠物大市场。同时,青岛人口众多,消费能力强,商贸活动活跃并拥有现代智能化的国际会展中心,环境优美,设施完善,并有各种专业化的团队服务。 Superior location Qingdao as an important foreign trade ports which connects pet market at home and abroad and radiates across Japan and Korean, enjoys huge population, strong consumption demand and dynamic business activities and also have modern environment, perfect facilities and have all kinds of professional services team. 【 行业聚焦】 山东国际宠物博览会立足山东制造,以专业的配套服务为观、展双方搭建精准的贸易洽谈桥梁,是品牌维护及加强现有渠道的同时,有效开拓潜在合作伙伴的难得机会,也是品牌产品拓展中国市场的***多功能宣传、渠道开发、新品发布平台。 Industry focused China(Shandong) International Pet Expo depends on Made In Shandong, which bridges the connect between exhibitors and visitors with professional supporting services. This is a golden opportunity for maintaining and strengthening existing channels, exploiting potential partners, expanding Chinese market and release new products.
八、联系方式(Contact: ) 中国(山东)国际宠物博览会组委会 手 机: 17864202670 邮箱:shandongpet(at)163(dot)com 地址:山东省青岛市市北区四流南路80号华&﹟8226;秀国际会展中心 China-Shandong International Pet Expo Organization Tel: 0532-88617399 Mobile No:178-6420-2670 Email: shandongpet(at)163(dot)com Address: Qingdao China-Fashion International Convention and Exhibition Center (No 80, Siliunan Road, Shibei District, Qingdao, Shandong)