所属行业: 百货
国家/地区 : 希腊
举办城市: 希腊
展馆名称: 2017年希腊国际珠宝展
举办时间: 2017/11/02~2017/11/04
2017年希腊国际珠宝展KOSMIMA(官方代理) 报名电话:13912940261(微信) 首页 >> 国际展览 >>
2017年希腊国际珠宝展KOSMIMA(官方代理) (浏览次数:2529)
报名电话: 13912940261(微信) 展会时间: 2017-11-2 至 2017-11-4 展会地点: 欧洲 / 希腊 展会周期: 一年一届 展会行业: 国际珠宝展 展会规模: 300 展会网址: http:// *域名隐藏* 现在报名享受更多优惠 展品范围
展会介绍 2014年第29届希腊国际珠宝展(总代理)
In the right time for the upcoming Christmas season, KOSMIMA is the ideal meeting place for the professionals who want to keep updated with the latest trends in the jewelry and watch sector, as well as with the latest technological evolutions.
KOSMIMA, as well as GOLD SILVER fair, also organized by TIF – HELEXPO for the first time in 2013, are a dynamic duo of exhibitions which: bring in contact the most dynamic companies of the sector and trade visitors from Greece and abroad, with a view to the renewal/ extension of customer base and creating new partnerships offer the ideal business environment for companies who plan to explore the potentials of the jewelry market in Greece promote original greek jewelry creations abroad Due to the Greek Orthodox religion, KOSMIMA fair hosts a significant number of companies presenting religious jewelry and objects every year, thus attracting trade visitors from coreligionist *域名隐藏* A fair will finally host the 29th National Jewelry Design Contest under the title “seascapes”. 举办城市: 塞萨洛尼基是希腊北部***港市及第二大城市,塞萨洛尼基州首府。在哈尔基季基半岛西部,濒塞萨洛尼基湾。人口40.6万,包括郊区在内为80万。地中海型气候,冬温夏热。第二次世界大战后发展很快。该市经济与港口密切相关。海陆交通枢纽,海上与东地中海各国港口均有航线联系。港口设有南斯拉夫专用港区。该市有大量古希腊遗迹,保存有4世纪砖-大理石结构拱门,以及城市和要塞的围墙。市内著名的建筑有建于1430年的高33米的白塔、希腊东正教大教堂、希腊军分区司令部,有建于1925年的亚里士多德大学,其哲学、神学和考古专业在世界上均颇负盛名 verokuang 匡云
南京名达展览展示-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 电话:025-85577845 传真:025-83552046 手机:13912981250 网址: *域名隐藏* 邮箱:394935046(at) *域名隐藏* QQ:664003640 地址:江苏省南京市鼓楼区中央路417号先锋广场642室 ADD:Rm.642 Xianfeng Plaza, no417,Zhongyang Road,Nanjing China 邮编:210000