2017中国东盟博览会文化展_东盟博览会文化展官网_东盟文化展价格 |
所属行业: 文化
国家/地区 : 中国
举办城市: 南宁
展馆名称: 中国·广西·南宁国际会展中心
举办时间: 2017/04/13~2017/04/16
2017中国-东盟博览会文化展 展会信息 Show information 2017中国东盟博览会文化展_东盟博览会文化展官网_东盟文化展价格
中国和东盟文化领域交流的盛大展会 中国一东盟博览会已成为了中国一东盟共同合作的公认平台,促进双方贸易投资便利化的有效载体、深化多领域合作的重要牵引,成为国家一类展会。文化是中国一东盟的优先合作领域,中国一东盟博览会文化展是东博会系列专业展之一,依托中国一东盟博览会的影响力,以”共建21世纪海上丝绸之路,促进中国一东盟文化合作”为主题,旨在搭建中国一东盟“民心相通”的桥梁,曾被文化部列为“中国一东盟文化交流年”系列活动之一。 A Grand Event for China-ASEAN Cultural Exchanges The China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) has grown to become a widely-reputed platform for cooperation between China and ASEAN, an asset for both sides to promote facilitated trade and investment and a major engine of deepening the collaboration on all fronts. It has been approvedby the Chinese government as one of the Top 3 Events of China. Culture is listed among thepriority fields of cooperation between China and ASEAN. 时间:2017年04月13日- 04月16日,展期4天 地点:中国·广西·南宁国际会展中心 April 13tth-April16th , 2017, 4 days in total Nanning International Convention & Exhibition Center, Guangxi, China
组织机构 主办单位:中国一东盟博览会秘书处、广西壮族自治区文化厅、广西壮族自治区新闻出版广电局 承办单位:广西南博国际会展有限责任公司、南宁华越会展服务-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 协办单位:新华网广西频道、广西电视台科教频道 支持单位:柬埔寨《柬华日报》、印尼《商报》、老挝《人民报》、缅甸《缅甸时报》、菲律宾《商报》、泰国《世界日报》、越南《西贡解放日报》
Co-sponsors: China-ASEAN Expo Secretariat, Department of Culture of Guangxi, Administration of Press,Publication, Radio, Film & Television of Guangxi Co-organizers: Guangxi Nanbo International Convention & Exhibition Co., Ltd, Nanning Huayue Convention &Exhibition Co., Ltd Associate Organizers: Guangxi Channel of *域名隐藏* , Science & Education Channel of Guangxi Television Supporting Organizations: Jian Hua Daily of Cambodia, Bisnis Indonesia, Pasaxon Newspaper of LaoPDR, Myanmar Times, Shangbao of the Philippines, Universal Daily News of Thailand, Saigon Giai Phong of Vietnam
展览内容 Featured Echibits 2017中国东盟博览会文化展_东盟博览会文化展官网_东盟文化展价格
01 东盟创意文化 ASEAN creative cultural products 东盟及其他国家文化产品、创意设计服务、旅游文化项目等 creative design service, tourism and cultural projects...
02 省市创意文化 Chinese creative cultural products 国内各省市特色文化形象、非物质文化遗产、传统工艺、文化旅游产业及项目等 cultural images of the provinces/cities,intangible cultural heritage, traditional handicrafts, cultural and tourism projects...
03 广播影视 Radio, film and television 中国和东盟近期及经典出版品、影视作品、新闻出版传媒运营机构、广播电视媒体等 recent and classic Chinese and ASEAN publications, films, TV shows, news agencies, publishing houses,radios/television stations...
04 微映像文化 Micro-cinema 中国一东盟网络微映像作品、城市旅游文化微映像推广、互联网直播、影视设备体验、微映像艺术展演等 Chinese and ASEAN on-line micro-films, micro-videos on tourism resources of the cities, on-line livebroadcasting, filming equipments, exhibition and demonstration of micro-films...
05 少儿艺术文化 Children's Art 少儿美术作品、摄影作品、DIY创意艺术、儿童教育机构等 art works, photography works DIY creative art, schooling agencies...
06 红木收藏 Mahogany collection 经典红木艺术收藏品、根艺根雕、红木摆件、古典家具、明/清式仿古家具等 classic mahogany art works,root carving and art works,mahogany pendants,classic furniture,antiquereproduction furniture...
07 民间工艺 Folk art 书画、绣品、陶瓷、古玩、传统手工艺品等 calligraphy, paintings,embroideries, ceramicsantiques, traditionalhandicrafts...
1、动漫游戏节 Animafion Game Fesfival 动漫游戏作品、周边产品、衍生品等展示和销售 动漫游戏品牌专场发布、授权、融资和交易 COSPLAY、宅舞、动漫创意、电子游戏竞技等大赛 知名动漫作者、声优、COSER、宅舞、见唱等嘉宾与粉丝见面会 Display and sales of animation games and their peripheral and derivative products Release, authorization, fundraising and trade of game brands Competitions of COSPLAY, home dance, animation creativity and video games Fan meetings of famous cartoon authors, voice actors/actresses,cosplayers, home dancers and singers
2、微映像节 Cinema Fesfival 中国一东盟微映像***作品展、微视演艺馆、微映像交流空间等影视科技展 中国一东盟微映像系列高端论坛、微映像行业峰会及专题研讨会微映像节启动发布会、自频道大厅(微直播秀场)、东盟城市影像群、VR体验、航拍设备体验等活动体验区 Exhibition on Chinese and ASEAN excellent micro-cinemas and relevant space, science and technology,micro-video pavilion China-ASEAN high-end micro-cinema industry forums/summits/seminars Festival press conference, micro live broadcasting show, filming and photography on ASEAN cities,experiences of VR, aerial shooting equipment and others
3、国际少儿文化节 Lnternafional Children`s Cultural Festival 国内外优质儿童教育机构及少儿产业展览 少儿主题论坛及会议 少儿艺术团展演及布偶儿童剧演出 淘书分享会、创意市集、儿童嘉年华等现场互动活动 Exhibition on Chinese and international schooling agencies and the children's industry Theme forums and conferences Performance of children art troupes and puppet shows On-site interactions like book sharing, creative market fair and children carnival
会期系列活动 Other programs
(一)中国一东盟文化合作项目推介会 China-ASEAN Promotion Conference on CulturaCooperation Projects 发布中国与东盟近期重大文化合作项目,涵盖文化旅游、文化科技、创意设计、数字非遗、动漫游戏等多个行业。 Major cultural and tourism cooperation projects between China and ASEAN that cover science & technology,creative design, digital intangible heritage and animationgame.
(二)东盟风情表演 ASEAN performances 远道而来的东盟各国表演艺术团将在文化展上做精彩演出。 Performances by art troupes of the ASEAN countries
(三)中国一东盟茶艺仙子大赛 China-ASEAN Tea Art Fairy Competition 通过选拔和培养茶艺明星团队,传承和发扬中华茶业传统文化。 Select and develop tea art stars to carry forwardtraditional Chinese tea culture
(四)中国—东盟好少年礼仪大赛 ASEAN Tea Art Fairy Competition 从“礼见真情,仪生友谊:文化传承,少年当先”为主题,给中国和东盟青少年儿童提供一个展示自己的国际舞台。 China-ASEAN Children Etiquette Competition Feature "Children: to Be First Runners of Building friendship and Carry Forward Traditional Cultures" asthe theme to provide an international arena for Chinese and ASEAN children to show themselves.
(五)百城漫跑 Jogging 以“变形金刚、奥特曼、柯南、哆啦A梦、海贼王”等经典漫画为主题,参赛选手身穿动漫服饰,开展环城慢跑活动。 Jogging with costumes of classic comics liketransformer, Ultraman, Conan, Doraemon and One Piece in Nanning and other cities
(六)现场书画及笔会交流活动 On-site Painting & Calligraphic Display 国内外书法名家及书法爱好者现场书法绘画,以书画会友,笔墨联情谊,现场共同切磋交流。 Chinese and international renowned painting artistsand calligraphers and amateurs will gather and haveon-the-spot display.
(七)艺术收藏品拍卖活动 Auction 针对热爱收藏的大众爱好者,拍卖画家现场书画作品、书法绘画成品、艺术精品、古玩收藏品等。 On-site painting and calligraphic works, paintings,calligraphic pieces, art pieces, antique products, artcollection.etc.
参展费用: 标准展位:6000/元
联系人:何锐晶 手 机:17727626115 电 话:020-38109036 传 真:020-38109030 Q Q:2850703587 邮 箱:2850703587(at)qq(dot)com 网 址: *域名隐藏*