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您现在的位置:跨国采购网 > 找展会 > 2016阿拉伯造纸、卫生纸及加工工业国际展览会Paper Arabia 2016
  2016阿拉伯造纸、卫生纸及加工工业国际展览会Paper Arabia 2016

所属行业: 造纸
国家/地区 : 阿拉伯
举办城市: 迪拜
展馆名称: 迪拜国际会议展览中心
举办时间: 2017/09/26~2017/09/28

2016阿拉伯造纸、卫生纸及加工工业国际展览会Paper Arabia 2016

2016阿拉伯造纸、卫生纸及加工工业国际展览会 Paper Arabia 2016|中东卫生纸展|迪拜纸展|阿拉伯卫生用纸展|Paper Arabia|同期招精品商务团|北京领汇 郭萌旭 15093220170

2016年中东阿拉伯迪拜卫生用纸展 展会时间 2016年9月26 - 28日
2016年中东阿拉伯迪拜卫生用纸展 展会地点 迪拜国际会议展览中心
2016年中东阿拉伯迪拜卫生用纸展 主办单位 Al Fajer Information&Services
2016年中东阿拉伯迪拜卫生用纸展 举办周期 每年一届
2016年中东阿拉伯迪拜卫生用纸展 中国组展单位 北京领汇国际展览-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store

2016年中东阿拉伯迪拜卫生用纸展 展会及市场贸易资讯简介

自2007年成立以来,经过6届的积极发展,Paper Arabia 已成为中东地区规模***、专业性***强的造纸、卫生纸和加工工业品牌盛会,每届的规模都以15%~20%的速度增长,观众的数量也以25%的速度递增。2011年Paper Arabia共有来自全球的数百家企业参展,吸引了来自世界各国包括伊朗、土耳其、埃塞俄比亚、苏丹、阿曼、阿拉伯、斯里兰卡、巴基斯坦、沙特、埃及、欧洲及印度等的近万名名专业观众参观,展会成交额达数百万美元。


Middle East’s Paper industry to converge in Paper Arabia 2016

Paper Arabia 2016 will be the unique platform for the Middle Eastern and African Manufacturers/buyers/traders to meet, source, discuss and negotiate all related information in the paper industry. Many of the world’s biggest and professional paper suppliers will be exhibiting in this unique event.

New technologies and trends will be unveiled for sourcing. World’s biggest and most developed machinery and technology suppliers will opt for this event for their business enhancement and branding in this part of the world.

Paper Arabia over the past has proved that it is the must to attend exhibition for the entire paper industry professionals in the Middle East. In its 2015 edition, it has witnessed the attendance of more than 8,500 trade visitors from 60 countries.

As the industry demands PAPER ARABIA 2016 will give more thrust to Corrugated and Carton Industry.

2016年中东阿拉伯迪拜卫生用纸展 展品范围

箱子制造及转换设备, CAD/CAM machinery, 化工原料和添加剂, 化工原料和添加剂, 瓦楞纸板制造技术, 瓦楞纸板, 模具制造设备, 一次性产品;

Why Exhibit

Middle east most awaited event on paper Arabia and its products
Innovations in each edition
Unique exhibitors and products
Dubai the turning platform for the ME,AFRICA and ASIA
90% of the visitors are decision makers.
Launching new products, machinery and related items.
The most organized exhibition for the paper industry in the ME, AFRICA, and ASIA.
The highest ROI for all exhibitors
Professional visitors from around the world.

北京领汇国际展览-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store
联系人:北京领汇-郭萌旭 15093220170
座 机:400-8178181转6627
Q Q:2851182508

单位: 北京领汇国际展览-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store郑州分部
姓名: 郭萌旭
电话: 400-817-8181转6627
本信息由展览公司自行发布, 内容真实性由发布者负责。
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