欢迎访问2024中国·上海轨道交通密封材料展览会|官方网站 |
所属行业: 汽配
国家/地区 : 中国
举办城市: 上海
展馆名称: 上海新国际博览中心
举办时间: 2024/06/05~2024/06/07
This exhibition will provide you with a unique opportunity to gain a deeper understanding and exploration of the development trends in the field of large-scale Shanghai rail transit in China.
As the organizer, we adhere to high standards and strict requirements, striving to create an unforgettable exhibition for you. At that time, you will personally experience innovation and progress in the field of rail transit, broaden channels for business cooperation and communication. On site, representatives of enterprises and scholars from all over the world will gather to share advanced technologies, products, and solutions.
This exhibition will provide you with customized services to ensure that you fully enjoy the various opportunities and benefits brought by the exhibition. Our team will provide you with comprehensive support, including booth layout, logistics arrangements, and promotional activities. You can confidently showcase your products and technology at the exhibition site, attracting customers and partners from all over the world.
We are well aware that details determine quality and pay attention to polishing every aspect. Therefore, we will provide exhibition decorations and environmental arrangements to ensure a good atmosphere and comfort in the exhibition area. The booth will be arranged according to your requirements, showcasing your products and brand image, and providing sufficient information and reference materials, so that customers can have a comprehensive understanding of your company and products.
In addition to the exhibition itself, we will also provide you with a variety of supporting activities, including technical seminars, keynote speeches, and business negotiations. These activities will provide you with opportunities for face-to-face communication, broaden your business network and partner resources.
As a large-scale Shanghai Rail Transit Exhibition in China, we will showcase advanced technology and rich experience in the field of rail transit in China., We also welcome international enterprises and experts to come here for exchange and cooperation, to jointly promote the development of the rail transit industry.
2024第十七届上海国际轨道交通展览会 展览时间:2024年6月5日-7日 展览地点:上海新国际博览中心 联系人:王悦(项目经理) 手 机:136 5182 8941 135 2418 7672 商务QQ:1780367117
支持单位: 交通运输部运输服务司 国家发展和改革委员会基础产业司 商务部投资促进事务局轨道交通产业国际合作联盟 上海市交通委员会 指导单位: 中国城市轨道交通协会 主办单位: 上海申通地铁集团-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 上海国展展览中心-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store 战略合作单位: 中国国际工程咨询公司 西南交通大学 上海市交通运输行业协会轨道交通专业委员会 上海市交通运输行业协会现代有轨电车(中运量交通)专业委员会 同济大学铁道与城市轨道交通研究院 中国土木工程学会隧道及地下工程分会 上海市土木工程学会 上海铁道学会
参展范围: 1.铁路与轨道交通车辆 高速动车组;动车检测车;内燃机车;城市轨道交通车辆(地铁、轻轨、单轨列车)、现代有轨电车;中低速及高速磁悬浮列车;P RT(个人捷运列车);真空运输系统;立体快巴、各类新型运输系统及货运机车 2. 车辆配套系统及零部件 转向架、制动系统、车体、车门、连接系统、车钩、通风系统、照明系统、锁闭系统、轮对、润滑系统;复合材料、绝缘材料、粘合剂、润滑剂、橡胶制品、密封材料等 3.信号、通信及IT技术 各制式信号系统、专网通信系统、局域网通信系统、无线通信技术、系统集成技术、列车控制系统、车辆调度系统、平交道口系统、操控系统、远程控制、通信信号模块及模组、接地装置、机柜等 4.内饰系统 控制台、灯、卫生间、座椅、空调、逸出系统、门系统及配件、地板系统、供热系统、监控系统、厨房设备 5.车辆检修/维保 模拟驾驶系统、轮对诊断及处理系统、检测装置、五金工具、养护机械、测量设备;清洁装置、车辆清洗系统;调试服务、维修管理系统 6.牵引供电与驱动装置 牵引电动机及其配套、供电系统、现场总线组件、齿轮箱、驱动系统、发电机、液压传动系统、气动装置、自动化技术、蓄电池及充电装置、绝缘装置、安全系统、变压器、电缆及连线、接触网、开关柜及配件 7:公共服务设施及站台设备 站台屏蔽门、PIS广告系统、AFC自动售检票系统、安防监控系统、BAS环控设备、综合监控系统、时钟系统、电梯、乘客计数系统、广播系统、交互式语音响应系统、火警探测系统、消防、防洪系统、工业门,防火门、门禁出入安保系统、保洁清洁 8.基础设施及隧道工程设备 盾构设备、导向系统、BIM设计软件、轨道紧固件、人员定位系统、轨道枕,钢轨、新型轨道制品、减振产品、声屏障及新型降噪材料、架空接触网、防水材料、建筑苗栓、新型建筑材料、养路机械技术与装备、规划设计、施工监理及工程顾问
展会回顾 展会邀请到来自北京、上海、广州、深圳、南京、武汉、常州、苏州、无锡、杭州、株洲、青岛、宁波、成都等全国30 个城市及地区的铁路局和地铁公司的领导及代表,中车集团各地主机厂、全国各地发改委、交通(委)局、咨询与研究机 构、各大设计院、高等院校、公共交通部门的嘉宾也参与了同期活动并参观了展会。 地 址:上海市娄山关路55号新虹桥大厦11楼 邮编:200336 联系人:王悦(项目经理) 手 机:136 5182 8941 135 2418 7672 商务QQ:1780367117 (添加时麻烦标注轨道交通展) 邮箱:1780367117(at)qq.com 微 信:136 5182 8941