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报价:  电议
单位: 上海乐利自动化科技-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store
姓名: 潘永厂
电话: 021-38688888-312
Model Name KT5W-2P1316D
Part No. 1026578

At a glance

Intuitive 10-segment bar graph display indicates detection status
Static 2-point teach-in of mark and background via the control cable
Maximum detection reliability due to 3-color RGB LED technology
Switching frequency of 10 kHz
Automatic gloss adjustment for highly reflective materials
A range of sensing distances and light spots for numerous applications
M12 plug can be rotated 90°
Your benefits

All print marks and color combinations are detected, ensuring high throughput
Reliable operation, even with high-gloss materials
Detects difficult marks, such as jittering and shiny materials
High positioning accuracy improves packaging quality
Application-specific teach-in processes reduce setup times
Various sensing distances, light spot directions and light emissions make individual configuration and simple integration into the production system possible

Dimensions (L x W x H): 80 mm x 30.4 mm x 53 mm
Sensing distance 1): 40 mm
Sensing distance tolerance: ± 3 mm
Light source 2) 3): LED red, green, blue
Light emission: Long and short side of housing, exchangeable
Light spot size: 1.1 mm x 4.2 mm
Light spot direction 4): Vertical
Adjustment: Static 2-point teach-in with manual &﹟64257;ne adjustment
1) From front edge of lens 2) Average service life of 100,000 h at TA = +25 °C 3) Wave length: 470 nm, 525 nm, 640 nm 4) In relation to long side of housing

Supply voltage Vs 1): DC 10 V ... 30 V
Residual ripple 2): ≤ 5 Vpp
Power consumption 3): < 130 mA
Switching frequency 4): 10 kHz
Response time 5): 50 μs
Output type: PNP: HIGH = VS- ≤ 2 V / LOW approx. 0 V
Switching mode: PNP
Input, teach-in (ET): PNP:
Teach: U = 10 V ... < UV
Run: U < 2 V
Retention time (ET): 25 ms, non-volatile memory
Connection type:: Connector M12, 5-pin
Protection class 6): II
Circuit protection: Output Q short-circuit protected, Interference suppression, VS connections reverse-polarity protected
Enclosure rating:: IP 67
Weight: Ca. 400 g
Housing material: Zinc diecast
Output current Imax.: 100 mA 7)
1) Limit values: operation in short-circuit protected network max. 8 A 2) May not exceed or fall short of VS tolerances 3) Without load 4) With light/dark ratio 1:1 5) Signal transit time with resistive load 6) Reference voltage DC 50 V 7) Short-circuit protected

Ambient data
Ambient temperature: Operation: -10 ... 55 °C
Storage: -25 ... 75 °C
Shock load: According to IEC 60068

规格:  SICK
数量:   包装:
日期:  2013-11-12  










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