上海阔容精密电子-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store创建于1996年底,座落在华东***上海富民私营经济开发区52号,毗邻青浦美丽的淀山湖畔,环境优美,走沪杭、沪青平高速公路都可以直接到达,距上海市区约30分钟车程,交通十分便捷。 我公司是专业生产加工各类精密五金车床加工零配件的民营实业型企业,公司经过近十年的发展壮大,下属有慈溪市爱华电子器件-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store、慈溪市健尔塑料-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store、慈溪市精密冲件-167.net必赢(中国)官方网站·App Store,形成了严格的生产、研发管理体系并通过了ISO9001:2000的质量体系认证。公司在壮大的同时引进了大批高精尖的专业人才,现拥有CNC精密车床、精密自动车床、走芯式自动车床、仪表车床、冲床、磨床、钻床、铣床及投影仪、硬度测试机、表面粗糙仪等先进的生产加工设备和质量检测设备。专业为海内外各大***企业生产加工金属零配件、非标零件及OEM产品加工和产品开发相关的配套零件,产品广泛应用于家用电器、通信通讯、航空航天、仪器仪表、摄像器材、计算机及汽车等领域。 公司以客户的需求为中心,以产品质量至上为企业经营理念,本着创新性、个性化、专业化的公司精神,阔容与中国众多自强不息的企业一样,以赶超国际一流水平为奋斗目标,凭着丰富的专业经验和扎实的基础、严谨的作风,不断开拓、进取的精神,以阔容人特有的激情,创造更为优质的产品。热诚欢迎各界朋友来电来函或来图来样加工及咨询,我们会用***短的时间,***的效率为您服务。愿与海内外同仁精诚合作,共创辉煌!
Company profile Founded in 1996, Shanghai KuoRong precision electronic Co,,Ltd basing at No. 52 of Shanghai Fuming economic development zone which is the first private-owned enterprise area in the eastern of *域名隐藏* company lies to the border of the beautiful Dianshan lake in Qingpu area. We have a quick transportation can be reached within 30 minutes from Shanghai downtown to our company. KuoRong is a Private Enterprise specialized in producing and processing all kinds of precise hardwares and lathe accessories,With the development of ten years,it owned the affiliate enterprises including Cixi City AiHua Electronics Device Co.,Ltd, Cixi JianEr Plastics Co.,Ltd and Cixi City Precision Press Co.,Ltd which had formed a strict management system of manufacturing and R& *域名隐藏* company also has been granted with the certification of ISO9001/ *域名隐藏* ile,we gain the talented staff and equipped with advanced production and inspection devices namely CNC precise machine, Precise auto lathe, Meter lathe,punching lathe, Grinding machine, Drilling machine, Milling machine, Projector, Hardness test machine, Appearance rough *域名隐藏* specialized in supply variety hardwares 、nonstandard accessories and OEM for the well-known enterprises at home and abroad which widely used in household appliances、tel-communication、aeronautics and astronautics、Instruments and Apparatuses、computers and auto areas. Our company take the principle of “Customer first”,the idea of “quality first”,the spirit of “innovation first” to obtain the goal of catching up with and surpass the advanced world levels like most of the persevering companies in China. With abundant experience, solid foundation, strict attitude, continuous innovation, and the full passion Kuorong staff owned,we are supposed to produce more superior *域名隐藏* mails、telphone、drawings and samples are really appreciated to *域名隐藏* will serve you with the shortest time and high *域名隐藏* ely hope to join our hands together to achieve a prospective future .
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2010-09-25 |